Build-A-Bot is a 2D side scrolling rogue-like made in Unity. You play as a computer named BIPY who has to upgrade himself by collecting and equipping different computer parts.
The project was a capstone project for NC State’s Game Development Concentration. It was done in collaboration with Katabasis, a non-profit organization that “…aims to help low-income children get the educational resources they need to succeed.” It was one of their projects, a workshop about teaching kids how to build a PC, that inspired Build-A-Bot.
The thing that shines about this game is its extensibility. Every enemy, interaction, item, attack, etc. were made with the intention that they could be used and re-used over and over again.
- Led the development of enemy AI
- Wrote extensible Unity scripts that could be re-configured for multiple enemy types
- Implemented enemy animations in Unity’s sprite system
- Utilized the A* Pathfinding Project to handle multiple types of enemy movement
- Designed environment and NPC sprite art
- Managed group Trello with weekly sprints